Tuesday, April 26, 2011

TOP 15 "Such! Model Hunt"

Assalamualaikum beautiful,

Alhamdulillah, after a long and hard time to shorten the list of Such! Model Hunt contestant into the top 15 names, finally we get this done. Hereby we announce our top 15 who will run for the next audition and get Such! exclusive Goodie bag. Represent you, our Top 15!

1. Ria Septina
2. Riani D. Lestari
3. Armitha Nabilla
4. Jenny Soraya
5. Arninta Puspitasari
6. Dini
7. R.A Nina Septiani
8. Husnaini Sastrowiredjo
9. Nanda
10. Ria Dwi
11. Elly Nurul Jannah
12. Annisa Herviana
13. Siti Fauziah (Ussiy)
14. Shanty Lolyta
15. Annisa Aga

For the Top 15 girls will be contacted by Such! (through email, text messages or fb) for a meeting and doing a test shoot. Date and place will be informed and hopefully the top 15 can make it. Amiin. Congratulations girls, and for those who haven't got the chance to be chose as the top 15, please don't be disappointed. I can't thank you enough for your participation to this mini contest. Thanks beautiful! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. thanks for the decisions that have been taken with great difficulty, Such! I really appreciate this, and hopefully can provide the best for Such! once again thank you very much dear ♥

  3. Alhamdulillah, thanks lovely Such! :)

  4. Alhamdulillah... thanks so much for this wonderful opportunity :)

  5. sista...how the way to join model hunt contestant,,,would u like to give information about that...
