Since I get so many question regarding how to place an order, so I will explain to you precisely about how does it works..hope it will help
- You can take a look at our collection, whether our clothing or "Cotton Cloth Pashmina"
- After you decide which item(s) that you'd like to buy, please fill out the Order Form that provided in our web in "HOW TO ORDER" tab above (right below our header)
- Fill out once, because I can guarantee that your order has submitted to our system
- You'll receive an INVOICE of your order through email (please be patient regarding the reply because we're apologize for having lack of persons who can do all of this, so excuse for being a little bit late of replying your order but we ensure you that your order will be replied)
- After receiving invoice, you'll get the payment procedure and after you fulfilled your payment, please confirm by filling out the Payment Confirmation form that provided in our web in "CONFIRM PAYMENT" tab.
Thank you for your attention beautiful, hopefully this easy steps will help you and us as well.